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Monday, August 24, 2009

Postgresql backup and restore.

First method using pg_dump and second one is file system level backup.

Dump level Backup:
pg_dump dbname > outfile

Options available with pg_dump,
-h hostname. Default is localhost or whatever is set in PGHOST variable.
-p which port. PGPORT env.
-U username. default is logged in user name. PGUSER env.
outfile - name of the target file

pg_dump does not block other operations on the database while it is working. (Exceptions are those operations that need to operate with an exclusive lock, such as VACUUM FULL.)

psql dbname < infile
infile - infile is what you used as outfile for the pg_dump command.

It is suggested to run analyze on each db to obtain the useful statistics. Run,
vacuumdb -a -z to VACUUM ANALYZE all databases;

pg_dump and psql can also use to dump a database directly from one server to another;
for example:
pg_dump -h host1 dbname | psql -h host2 dbname

2. File system level backup
tar -cf backup.tar /usr/local/pgsql/data
- Servers must be shutdown before taking backup.
- To restore database, we have to restore full database, can not do partial restore of tables or etc.

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